Review: The Harry Potter exhibition and store

A spellbinding adventure for Potterheads

Lara Jusi, Staff Reporter

Using profits from its famous Harry Potter themed bake sales, the Harry Potter Club (HP Club) ventured into N.Y.C. to tour the new Harry Potter Exhibition. It’s safe to say it was money well-spent, as all of the HP Club members thought the exhibition was amazing.

Upon entering, everyone received a card, the size of business card, that made the exhibit interactive for each person. At the start of the exhibit, you go to a kiosk and tap your card on a golden snitch to enter information about yourself, like your House and Patronus. Then, throughout your time, you get to interact with the exhibit by tapping your card at different stations and racking up points for your House.

There are real props from the movies and replicas that made the whole experience feel magical and nostalgic. This exhibition is something that no Potterhead should miss! It will be in N.Y.C. through Oct.15, 2023.

There is a gift shop at the end of the exhibit, but if you have the time, walk about 15 minutes down Broadway to The Harry Potter Store, which is packed with awesome merchandise. From candy, stationery, plushies and clothing, to having items personalized, like a Hogwarts acceptance letter addressed to you, everywhere you go there is something new to explore. Also, they sell butterbeer and butterbeer ice cream, which you can enjoy at the bar. Both treats received rave reviews from HP Club members.