Overturning Roe v. Wade was a mistake

Overturning Roe v. Wade was a mistake

Justine Barrera, Staff Reporter

In June of this year, Roe v Wade was overturned after the Supreme Court drafts were leaked just a few months prior. In the case, called ​​Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Court said that there was no constitutional right to abortion because it “wasn’t deeply rooted in our nations traditions” and that laws about abortion would be up to each state.

In my opinion, women or anyone that can get pregnant should be able to choose whether or not they continue the pregnancy, regardless of what state they live in. And they should not have to take other people’s opinions into consideration.

The majority of Americans agree with me. According to a 2022 survey by the Pew Research Center, 61% of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal all or most of the time. And, since the Dobbs decision, reproductive rights have been voted on in 6 states (5 on election day) and in all 6 states, voters supported reproductive freedom.

However, since the Dobbs decision about 13 states have restricted or banned abortion. This was done not by people voting but by the politicians in power. It has caused hardship and pain to many women and girls. Yes, girls.

There was a 10 year old girl whose story has spread all over the internet. She was pregnant and she lived in Ohio which meant that she couldn’t get an abortion because Ohio banned them. The 10 year old girl had to travel to Indiana to get an abortion.  This story to me is just so shocking and infuriating. The state of Ohio wanted a 10 year old girl to give birth to a baby. She’s not even old enough to drive. I cannot actually believe people are so cruel to force a literal child to give birth to a baby when she hasn’t even experienced her full childhood.

(people protesting about the overturn of Roe v. Wade)

I see a lot of people all over the internet who say that a woman shouldn’t get an abortion because it’s killing an innocent life or they say such things like “think about what that’ll do to your husband.” I also hear people say it’s because it’s against their religion, and it’s something they wouldn’t do.But why are other people’s beliefs and religion being pushed on everyone else?

An Ohio lawmaker, Jean Schmidt claimed that rape was an opportunity to be a mother, and I have some thoughts about that statement. An opportunity is something that you should be able to decline, an opportunity is a chance or possibility to do something. If someone is raped and not given the option to have an abortion then that is a forced decision and its not giving the person a a chance to make their own decision.

Some opponents of abortion think that when a woman gets an abortion, they don’t feel anything and that they are happy about “not having the responsibility of their actions.” In reality, women get abortions even if they wants kids someday or already have kids. There are many different reasons why women choose to end a pregnancy and their reasons are private and should not be judged. My opinion on the matter is that it’s the woman’s choice whether or not they should end a pregnancy.