Mixed reviews on new student ID policy

Aida Radoncic, Staff Reporter

When students returned to school after summer break this year, a new rule was instituted.  It was announced via a Sept. 19 email that all high school students would be required to wear their new IDs [identification] at all times when in the building.  

Humanities teacher, Mr. Daniel Robertson

“I think that even though it might be a little annoying to wear the IDs everyday, it makes me feel comfortable knowing that everyone in the building has some kind of identification,” said Mr.Daniel Robertson, a Humanities teacher. “We know who everybody is.”

Students had varying opinions about the new school policy.

“I think it makes sense to wear the IDs for protection,” said Zion Algu, a sophomore. “I personally don’t like it.  I don’t think there is anything wrong with the IDs but I don’t like my picture and I know you can retake it.  Maybe I’ll do that.” 

Junior, Tristan Burchard

“I think it’s good,” said ninth grader Hekai Tan. “We don’t have a driver’s license and it is a form of identification.  I don’t think it’s necessary to always wear it in school.”

“It’s making you safer when you enter the building, but not once you’re inside,” said ninth grader Julia Leopando.

Tristan Burchard, a junior, doesn’t like the IDs. “I think it’s kind of uncomfortable.  Personally, I don’t like it because it bothers my neck.  I also don’t really understand the full point of it, I don’t think it’s necessarily super helpful,” he said.

According to administration, the ID should be on a QSI red or black lanyard and visible at all times. School Safety Agents know to only accept new IDs from students entering and exiting the building. There is a green stripe on the IDs for juniors and seniors, which shows they are allowed to come and go for lunch and college classes.

 Ninth and tenth graders have a yellow stripe on their IDs, which lets staff know that they cannot leave the building.