QSI National Honor Society welcomes new members

Louis Detrano, Staff Reporter

On December 5, QSI held its annual induction ceremony for the National Honor Society (NHS). The inductees included 26 juniors and seniors who applied last spring and met the NHS criteria of service, character, scholarship and citizenship. 

Before the students were inducted, Principal Meredith Inbal and NHS advisors Ms. Eleni Stellatos and Ms. Caroline Ward gave speeches welcoming the inductees and their guests.

“For new members, tonight is the opportunity to celebrate your achievement in becoming official National Honor Society members,” Ward said in her speech. “Your accomplishments in the realms of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character are being honored here tonight by your induction into this prestigious society.”

The speeches were followed by musical performances from several students, including one of the inductees, junior Kalissa Washington. Then Stellatos and Ward presented the inductees with their NHS certificates and they recited the NHS Member Pledge in unison.

“I felt honored to be inducted into the National Honor Society,” said junior Sylvia Folia. “After receiving that certificate I know looking forward there are many opportunities for me to provide service for my community and try my best to maintain my leadership and scholarship.”

The induction ceremony was followed by a reception, where inductees and their guests enjoyed refreshments and chatted about the evening.

“I feel it’s important to have a celebration,” said parent coordinator Rosie Moyano. “It’s important to spotlight students’ accomplishments.”

For many of the new members, it was a nerve-wracking yet rewarding event.

Senior and QSI chapter president Jade Defreitas and Istam Kaziyev, also a senior, felt nervous about the ceremony and were relieved it was over, but also excited to be members of NHS. Defreitas added that as president, she is “happy to make NHS the best it can be.” 

So far this year, NHS has participated in a Breast Cancer Walk, raised over $500 for and participated in the Kidney Foundation Walk and made holiday cards for Dry Harbor Nursing Home. NHS members also provide tutoring for other students.

“I feel pretty positive for the future of the NHS,” said senior Aman Shah.

To apply for NHS, students must complete an application by March 10, 2023.

“I think everyone is capable of being a member,” Stellatos said.