Letter From the Editors – Spring 2023 Edition

Hello Readers of the QSInquirer,

We are excited to be expanding our coverage with every edition! This edition, we added a Multimedia section. Our first addition to this section is “Q&A with Cai: Black History Month Edition.”

There are also great articles in other sections, including exposés on the boys’ and girls’ bathrooms.

As we grow, we’ve come to realize all of the work involved in publishing a great school newspaper. To meet the editorial demands, Rukhmah Nauman, who has been a staff reporter, has taken on the role of co editor-in-chief. We are having an amazing time working together to ensure the QSInquirer is the best it can be!

This month we attended a conference sponsored by Baruch College for high school journalists. We are proud to announce that we won two second place Newsies Awards: one in the best new online newspaper and one for opinion writing, for an article written by Cai Racpan. From this experience we learned a lot from other school newspapers and professional journalists. So, going forward we will be publishing more often. 

Finally, we want to let you know that we’re accepting Letters to the Editors. Please submit letters, or any questions, comments or concerns, to either one of us via our QSI emails: [email protected] or [email protected]